As 2017 ends, from us we send out
our end-of-year-greetings to remember all about
what happened this past year; we do it in rhyme.
We do it for ourselves so when over time
we have forgotten the details of this year
we can look back and, it will be clear.
We’re thinking of you especially now
and wanted to share, so this is how.
We’re sending this to you so perhaps you might read
or just see the pictures - a shorter time you’ll need.
Facebook and writing class takes up his time.
Watches Tucker Carlson on the Fox News
Plays computer chess and does rarely lose.
for the Testing Group, tons of movies he sees.
Finished writing his book on Kevin Smith.
He’s waiting, when he hears, he’ll go forthwith.
plays BINGO and Dominoes with her lady friends.
Does Tai Chi once a week, carefully.
Enjoyed all the movies, voted thoughtfully.
Mom and Dave noted all the citations.
Took seriously this task, of the SAG nominations.
West LA College, MOLLY BARNES was a part.
At the monthly electronic flea market he sells
second-hand stuff - all those whistles and bells.
Keeps Mom’s fridge full of food and fruit
and fixes the Benedict Canyon house to boot.
Had to make easier the airport storage;
but when he looks for things, he still has to forage.
SALLY, 76, still’s OK yet you know
slowed down when her back hurt or she stubbed her toe.
Animated all three of Mom’s Pancho & Pedro tales
See them on YouTube, for fun, it never fails.
After every trip a Shutterfly book she makes.
Proving memories do last from each picture she takes.
In Texas she lives but from California she hails.
Tony’s wife, Riley’s mother, Frank’s daughter is she.
Likes life in Plano. Lives there comfortably.
TONY BAUTISTA, works for Fairfield Inns, 58.
General Manager, responsible, does his job great.
Loves to cook, read, see movies, and golf he plays,
Any time he has some leisure days.
General Manager, responsible, does his job great.
Loves to cook, read, see movies, and golf he plays,
Any time he has some leisure days.
likes writing stories, reading history and all.
Acted in plays, is directing a one-act,
sees his future in show biz; loves the theater, in fact.
TRUMP is a big mouth, says what he thinks.
Spouts words and phrases as fast as he blinks.
When North Korea’s Chairman, Kim Jong-un
seemed to be having a lot of fun
with ICBMs, he threatened us
with nuclear bombs. It’s something to discuss.
TRUMP took the bait, and fought back in words,Spouts words and phrases as fast as he blinks.
When North Korea’s Chairman, Kim Jong-un
seemed to be having a lot of fun
with ICBMs, he threatened us
with nuclear bombs. It’s something to discuss.
the two of them throwing irretrievable turds.
Said,“Making threats to the US will be met
with fire and fury like the world has never seen.”
Trump’s a phony superhero, trying to sound and look mean.
UN Ambassador Nikki Haley
and Secretary of State Tillerson do agree.
that sanctions come first, then diplomacy.

And then he said, “Our military’s locked and loaded”
We’ll invade Venezuela, ‘cause we’ve been goaded.
He scares us every time he hears the news
and with no consultation, knows not what to choose.
We never know if it’s impulse or calculation.
Both, in my opinion, bring us aggravation.
On the 12th of August in Charlottesville, VA
“Unite the Right” rally got underway.
Neo-Nazis, anti-Semites, the KKK, too
protesting the removal of a Confederate statue.
Then the counter-protesters, anti-racists proclaimed
that white nationalists with their guns are aimed
at men and women in our society
that are Christian and white with no diversity,
that “hatred, bigotry, and violence” are the results.
not freedom of speech but malicious insults.
This links to TRUMP - 'cause white supremacists
are the ones who support him and yes he insists
America will be great again, just follow his lead.
Finally, he admitted and then did concede
that he must condemn their negative aims
‘cause America loses more than it gains.
A 32-year-old girl, an activist Heather Heyer,
was run over by, an Ohio white driver.
She died and in that crash 19 more
were injured, imagine the blood and gore!
Friends, family ‘n trips, are important to us
Culture and politics, I like to discuss.
Though FRANK and I differ on current events,
We still are married, though it makes no sense
to discuss our differences, let me just say
the climate for agreement has since gone away.
With Trump in the White House, and all the things he does
I’m constantly wishing for the “used to be - what was”.
But as long as we have SNL and Cobert,
John Oliver, Seth Meyers, Trevor Noah, Bill Maher,
we’ll deal with it with jokes and sarcastically
until the election and then hopefully
we’ll get some young liberals who know what’s “right” ,
get smart people in and fight the good fight.
Kick those bums out, should never’ve been let in,
We deserve better. We’ve got to win.
What a remarkable and fast-changing year!
An understatement laced in fear.
The flag, our country, moms and apple pie
not what they used to be; there’s been a hue and cry,
Those of us hoping but still in denial
like waiting for justice, after a retrial
are now in a constant frustrated state
trying to make sense of what really is great.

Cosby, Ayles, Bill O’Reiley, Weinstein,
Conyers, Tavis Smiley, Franken, and Trump,
All big mouth men who belong in the dump.
Keillor, Louis C.K., Kevin Spacey, Matt Lauer-
Men in the media and places of power.
Anita Hill was right years ago
exposing Justice Thomas for what we now know
is harassment and just plain mysoginist stuff,
was the tip of the iceburg. We women’ve had enough.
The new revolution where everything’s a leak
and women have courage to finally speak
against abuse and unwanted sex.
Every news day’s like a witching hex,
limited not at all to race or creed.
Women are speaking - an attempt to be freed.
HOUSTON was hit by a huge hurricane.
“Harvey” they called it; this time a man’s name.A storm so destructive, it flooded the streets,
Flooded the houses, the downpour increased.
Slammed the Gulf, southeast Texas coast
Flooded the swamp plain with more rain than most
had experienced or expected, 50 inches, in three days
100,000 houses destroyed in such ways
that 30,000 people to emergency shelters went,
and lots of help from the Red Cross was sent.
People helped ‘cause they felt they should.
Boatsmen who volunteered did what they could.
Known as the Cajun Navy were those
who rescued families and pets. Yes, they rose
to a level of help that should be noted
and praised by folks for whom we voted.
“Irma” another storm Category 5
Record-setting force - how to survive?
in 185 m.p.h. wind,
Storm surges, flooding, rain coming in.
The Caribbean islands, FLORIDA landfall.
How people manage in the midst of this all!
Storm windows, evacuation, where to go?
Phone service out, no electricity
One of the strongest in our history.
Talk about helpless when the hurricane hits.
It’s nothing but hell; everyone admits.
Those poor Caribbean islands and the people there
Most were prepared and fully aware
of Irma then José then Maria Hurricanes,
But the storms ripped through, causing more than just pains.
Shelters were opened for emergencies.
Houses were ruined, many fallen trees.
Food and water - no electricity.
The climate is changing, no mystery.
When “Maria” landed in PUERTO RICO
Described as “apocalyptic” devastating flood, so . . .
drenched the island that even today
crippled communications, damaged buildings, no way
for people to be rescued, electric grid a big mess.
Thousands of people left for the mainland U.S.
Also hit badly, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS, too
Emergency shelters and help for those who
had no water or food, just a feeling of defeat.
Nature is cruel, leaving people on the street.
We’re all responsible for our earth and its care.
The ozonze’s in trouble; carbon’s in the air
About the climate, there’s much to despair.
But think “reduce, reuse, recycle, repair”
“It’s not waste but a resource” Doesn’t this make sense?
Lifestyles can change, yes, from this day hence.
We’re happy when folks vote, as in Alabama,
A red state turned blue. Thanks Grandpa José ‘n Gramma Anna.
96% of black women turned out
and made a difference, knew what it was about
where consequences follow if the outcome is poor.
‘Twas good to see Doug Jones beat that pedophile Roy Moore.
With the income tax bill, those Republicans represent
the corporate give away to the 1 %.
They tried this in Kansas and it failed terribly
There wasn’t enough money for the people, you see.
Infrastructure, education, & health plans;
Fewer services offered for the average man.
Who are they kidding when it’s been tried and failed?
Get busy with your phone calls; I’ve already emailed
my Congress people; I’ve told them,”Vote NO!”
Think through our tax reform. Get the Dems in tow.
So many shootings, such heartbreaking news.
Why is it Violence that some people choose?
to take out their personal vengeance, we’ve seen
terrorists, supremacists, klansmen, so mean!
Horror never seems to end. October first, we woke up amazed.
In Las Vegas, with his guns, a man who seemed simply crazed,Shooting from a window 32 floors above.
Filled with hatred, no doubt not from love.
A country music festival, for thousands, enjoyment assured.
All at once, over 500 wounded, trampled, or injured.
With an arsenal of firearms, he shot them, 59 died.
Then he took his own life, committed suicide.
The freedom to have guns does NOT life ensure.
Nowhere is safe; we can no more endure.
Enough of these senseless killings by men
who perpetrate madness again and again.
Fires in Santa Rosa, in the north of our state,
No time to save stuff or ‘twould be too late.
The cost 9 billion, houses leveled, 44 died.
For many who lived there, now no place to reside.
Southern California then had it as tough.
On the coast in VENTURA and beautiful OJAI
Wildfires came roaring in, up to the sky.
Houses, businesses, millions of acres destroyed
No high-tech equipment could be employed
barns, & cars, animals, possessions,
Evacuations’ve led to serious depressions.
Nothing’s more precious than life itself,
but losing your dwelling can lead to bad health.
The drought is somewhat to blame, so they say.
Grasses are yellow and resemble dried hay.
We are quite lucky, but no boasting we make,
‘cause at any time, we can have an earthquake.
Never too much excitement or worry to tell
So while in L.A., FRANK was hit and he fell.
The driver not seeing him crossing the street.
There he was thrown and knocked off his feet.
A policeman came and called the medical men,
In an ambulance to Kaiser, they took him then.
CAT scan and X-rays, IVs to insure
His pancreas was OK, and he could endure.
His knees were all scraped like a 5-year-old kid.
His trajectory was on the car; he didn’t hit his head.
He needed attention from the hospital crew
And certainly was shaken up, so would I be and you.
Just four days before our Vietnam flight.
Not easy for FERI, but he’s got a lot of fight.
Ubered to the airport, boarded China Southern Air.
DAVID was with us, his mère and his père.
so he would not be in such pain.
Left at 10:30, was a torturous flight,
But many movies we saw, all through the night.
A woman professor’s team proved at trial
A phoney historian’s Holocaust “Denial”.
“The Queen of Catwe” proved that chess
could give a slum girl and her family success.
“Genius” with Colin Firth, Max Perkins, editor
Insightful relationship with Thomas Wolf, writer.
Woody Allen’s lighter look - a Hollywood Mogul’s fake piety.
His newby nephew, with the same girl in love, in “Cafe Society”.
The photography in “Brothers in the Wind”, close to perfect
A rebellious boy rescues an eaglet, we connect.
Three-hour layover in Guangzhou, we made
Then onto HANOI where we landed and stayed.
Jan. 28th in VIETNAM, the third day.
Arrived quite tired but excited for Tet.
A New Year we won’t ever forget.
Thu Giang Guest House was our “home” there.
Parked our stuff in the room, and it’s from where
we made our way 1st day to Hoan Kien Lake,
Families all dressed up, it’s customary to take
A walk across the bridge and along its shore.
FERI took it easy; DAVE ‘n I explored.
Soup on the street - known as “pavement food”
Became our standard meal, ‘cause it was so good.
Traditional water puppets was a unique show.
The best part when dragons spewed fire, smoke, and glow.
We did our own HANOI “free walking tour”.
Just crossing the streets made us insecure.
Old Town, market ladies, a history house, a bar.
Another day the prison Hoa Lo, not too far,
Dioramas, documents, our POWs remained
until 1973, when finally released,
Made us think of the American War against the Vietnamese.
To the Perfume Pagoda, picked up by a bus.
Holiday crowds, never pre-thought by us.
Nevertheless, we were part of what they do.
Off on a tour - all of it, new.
Viewed the karst mountains and workers in fields of rice
duck ponds and country scenes were really quite nice.
Our “ride” up the river such amazing landscape,
Hundreds of people on this day-trip escape.
Hot lunch first, then high up cable car.
With the crowd, we walked slowly but far
Waiting in line, moved as one mass,
took hours to get there, no it was not fast.
Then into a huge cave where praying and shrines
This communal “be-in”, looked from the sidelines.
FRANK came to VIETNAM in 2008
With his friend George. So although not so great
to leave him behind, DAVE ’n I spent the day
on a four-hour bus trip to Halong Bay.
Our boat, Astra Dragon, we lunched with the crew
Then, a 2-man kayak, karst caves, paddled through.
After, a limestone cave, formations we found,
And as we left, sunset views were all around.
With his friend George. So although not so great
to leave him behind, DAVE ’n I spent the day
on a four-hour bus trip to Halong Bay.
Our boat, Astra Dragon, we lunched with the crew
Then, a 2-man kayak, karst caves, paddled through.
After, a limestone cave, formations we found,
And as we left, sunset views were all around.
The next five days, our own private tour.
Picked up with “guide” and a driver for sure
a journey that took us first to BA BE,
a NATIONAL PARK, a great getaway.
Marvelous experience we saw from our boat
so close were animals, buffs, ducks and a goat.
Buffalo families crossed to the other side
Close enough to see their dark brown hide.
Ducks in groups and flying white birds,
an incredibly huge cave where echoes could be heard.
We were there till 5:30, then brought to a homestay
DAVE called it “Camp Vietnam”, and it was OK
with mosquito nets covering each of our beds,
but FRANK was disturbed, and this bothered our heads.
Grottoes with huge formations within.
Such beautiful pictures, a contest could win.
Hill people preparing, we stopped just by chance,
Festival coming - food, music, and dance.
Windy road, landscapes, most picturesque ever.
A stubborn buff had had enough and showed that he was clever.
Picked up with “guide” and a driver for sure
a journey that took us first to BA BE,
a NATIONAL PARK, a great getaway.
Marvelous experience we saw from our boat
so close were animals, buffs, ducks and a goat.
Buffalo families crossed to the other side
Close enough to see their dark brown hide.
Ducks in groups and flying white birds,
an incredibly huge cave where echoes could be heard.
We were there till 5:30, then brought to a homestay
DAVE called it “Camp Vietnam”, and it was OK
with mosquito nets covering each of our beds,
but FRANK was disturbed, and this bothered our heads.
Grottoes with huge formations within.
Such beautiful pictures, a contest could win.
Hill people preparing, we stopped just by chance,
Festival coming - food, music, and dance.
Windy road, landscapes, most picturesque ever.
A stubborn buff had had enough and showed that he was clever.
BAN GIOC Waterfall, not pristine and pure
At least from the tourist shots, that we had seen before.
But as we got much closer and on a shared boat saw
this pretty place, we loved it yes, though not so in-the-raw.
Met some young folks on our boat and others we liked too
Had some nice experiences that from those moments grew.
There it is bordering China and Vietnam
Walked around, took the boat midway. We really did have fun.
But as we got much closer and on a shared boat saw
this pretty place, we loved it yes, though not so in-the-raw.
Met some young folks on our boat and others we liked too
Had some nice experiences that from those moments grew.
There it is bordering China and Vietnam
Walked around, took the boat midway. We really did have fun.

Stalagmites and tites, impressive, and how!
Blacksmiths were making tools and knives.
Fascinating how they live their lives.
Stopped and spied on a Dai funeral -
White costumes, folk objects, some colorful.
“Son”, our guide said, bad luck was his fear.
Death in Tet, no good, in the New Year.
Stayed in CAO BANG for two days straight.
Loved that city and the food it was great.
Two more caves. One had bats, we could see
Frank lost his cane that belonged to Tillie.
Back in HANOI, the place to be,
Temple of Literature, 1st university.
A pilgrimage place for Confucian thought
where sages and scholars went to be taught.
Tet dinner at Eunice good friend’s family,
Loan, Dipo, Chip, daughters Lan and Bee.
Felt very welcome, the meal just delicious.
Authentic Vietnamese New Year’s dishes.
Loan, Dipo, Chip, daughters Lan and Bee.
Felt very welcome, the meal just delicious.
Authentic Vietnamese New Year’s dishes.
The bus to CUC PHUONG past karst mountains us took.
Scenery just like a coffee-table book,
NATIONAL PARK there Dave and I took a walk.
Sunset, full moon, came back in the dark.
Accommodations fine, stayed for 3 nights.
David and I, rented two bikes.
Rode to Mac Lake, to the Prehistoric Cave
Then sped downhill from there, just me and Dave.
Scenery just like a coffee-table book,
NATIONAL PARK there Dave and I took a walk.
Sunset, full moon, came back in the dark.
Accommodations fine, stayed for 3 nights.
David and I, rented two bikes.
Rode to Mac Lake, to the Prehistoric Cave
Then sped downhill from there, just me and Dave.
In the p.m. at 4, the three of us were led,
where langurs and gibbons at the Rescue Center are fed.
After, to the Turtle Center, a sanctuary, too.
Saw what they are doing and what turtles do.
Following dinner, again we went back.
Saw the nocturnal civet and the leopard cat,
the anteater, known as the pangolin
was the highlight, in darkness, hiding in a bin.
The campaign is on to save all of these
from medicinal cures - so think the Chinese.
After, to the Turtle Center, a sanctuary, too.
Saw what they are doing and what turtles do.
Following dinner, again we went back.
Saw the nocturnal civet and the leopard cat,
the anteater, known as the pangolin
was the highlight, in darkness, hiding in a bin.
The campaign is on to save all of these
from medicinal cures - so think the Chinese.

Another place we loved was TAM COC.
This was our favorite place. That’s no joke.
With the room came free breakfast and bikes.
This was our favorite place. That’s no joke.
With the room came free breakfast and bikes.
Nam Hoa Hotel gets thumbs up and all “likes”.
On Dragon Mountain, to the top we hiked.
Amazing views, then back we biked.
With veggies, tofu ‘n noodles - glad I’m stuck
‘cause Feri and Dave, for dinner had duck.
On Dragon Mountain, to the top we hiked.
Amazing views, then back we biked.
With veggies, tofu ‘n noodles - glad I’m stuck
‘cause Feri and Dave, for dinner had duck.
Posters and statues, everywhere you go.
Fought the French and Americans, too
Won the wars, hard for others to construe.
And so to the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum
that is part crypt and part museum.
There he lies, we waited in line,
filed by his body laid out, looking fine.
Fought the French and Americans, too
Won the wars, hard for others to construe.
And so to the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum
that is part crypt and part museum.
There he lies, we waited in line,
filed by his body laid out, looking fine.
The last place we went was the Vietnamese Museum,
Displays the history and the country’s path to freedom.
With the Communists in charge now and a capitalist economy,
Business is first and then agronomy.
Displays the history and the country’s path to freedom.
With the Communists in charge now and a capitalist economy,
Business is first and then agronomy.
Dave flew to L.A., we bade him good-bye.
Frank and I to KUALA LUMPUR did fly
for two more weeks, our MALAYSIAN adventure.
You might call it a “travel quencher”.
Frank and I to KUALA LUMPUR did fly
for two more weeks, our MALAYSIAN adventure.
You might call it a “travel quencher”.
On Vietnam Air, to KUALA LUMPUR.
We were on our own - our two-person tour.
Got a taxi to Singahasanna Lodge.
We hosteled it, high prices to dodge.
Found nearby, Indian food -
veggie curry, dal and naan - quite good.
Our first day started with a heavy rain.
They call it the monsoons; for tourists, a pain.
A local bus to SEMENGGOH
the ORANGUTAN CENTER, not about to say “No.”
We worried because of the rain and lightning
that to the orangs, this would be frightening,
and we’d come all this way to see
yet to see them there was no guarantee.
We walked with umbrellas, got our feet quite wet,
but the tropical plants were hard to forget:
palms, fruit trees, ferns, and bamboo,
an alligator right in sight, nesting eggs, too.
The rain did stop, so to the feeding area came
a male orangutan - Annuar his name.
The ranger put bananas and a coconut where
he swang down a rope and ate right there.
It was exciting. We watched silently.
He then found a cozy place in a tree.
To be in his presence in such a setting -
like winning the lottery without even betting!
It was exciting. We watched silently.
He then found a cozy place in a tree.
To be in his presence in such a setting -
like winning the lottery without even betting!
Bussed it from KUCHING in 40 minutes it took
at typical houses, typical food
handmade baskets, buildings of wood
craftsmen, carvings, hats and knives,
gave us insight into their lives.
Finally, the 7 indigenous groups, our intro,
a costumed dance and music show.
Before leaving, a short walk, within reach
to the beautiful, peaceful DAMAI BEACH.
Learned a lot about Sarawak,
so many museums, it’s hard to keep track,
but did I mention the TEXTILE MUSEUM?
There exhibitions, worthwhile to see ‘em.
Mats, baskets, hats, costumes, weaving, and more
Met artist Juliana in the museum store.
CHINESE HISTORY, so well displayed
due to emigration, an impact they’d made.
In Malaysia - all over their influence is seen.
Culturally rich, who they are and have been.
The SARAWAK MUSEUM had totems of wood,
Headhunting pictures, ritual objects that stood.
Items Bidayuh shamans once wore
and explanations of what they were for.
Bits of their history, their rituals for healing,
belief systems, that help them in dealing
with birth, death, and marriage - the passages of life,
politics and farming, in good times and strife.
at typical houses, typical food
handmade baskets, buildings of wood
craftsmen, carvings, hats and knives,
gave us insight into their lives.
Finally, the 7 indigenous groups, our intro,
a costumed dance and music show.
Before leaving, a short walk, within reach
to the beautiful, peaceful DAMAI BEACH.
Learned a lot about Sarawak,
so many museums, it’s hard to keep track,
but did I mention the TEXTILE MUSEUM?
There exhibitions, worthwhile to see ‘em.
Mats, baskets, hats, costumes, weaving, and more
Met artist Juliana in the museum store.
CHINESE HISTORY, so well displayed
due to emigration, an impact they’d made.
In Malaysia - all over their influence is seen.
Culturally rich, who they are and have been.
The SARAWAK MUSEUM had totems of wood,
Headhunting pictures, ritual objects that stood.
Items Bidayuh shamans once wore
and explanations of what they were for.
Bits of their history, their rituals for healing,
belief systems, that help them in dealing
with birth, death, and marriage - the passages of life,
politics and farming, in good times and strife.
The reason we went to KUCHING, was to go
to the NATIONAL PARK, known to all as BAKO.
Bussed it to the boat, at the dock, funny thing
Travelers from Hungary, this connection we bring.
We landed and got our reserved room,
walked to the beach and then very soon
were amazed at everything in this special setting
We didn’t know what we were getting:
Mudskippers, sand crabs, rock formations,
golds, reds, greens, yellows - such colorations,
distant volcanoes, sea stacks, waves in rows
proboscus monkey with the long, funny nose
monitor lizard, red dragonflies
the hairy-faced bearded pig looked in my eyes.
Also we saw the silver monkeys,
macaques in families, mom’s with babies.
to the NATIONAL PARK, known to all as BAKO.
Bussed it to the boat, at the dock, funny thing
Travelers from Hungary, this connection we bring.
We landed and got our reserved room,
walked to the beach and then very soon
were amazed at everything in this special setting
We didn’t know what we were getting:
Mudskippers, sand crabs, rock formations,
golds, reds, greens, yellows - such colorations,
distant volcanoes, sea stacks, waves in rows
proboscus monkey with the long, funny nose
monitor lizard, red dragonflies
the hairy-faced bearded pig looked in my eyes.
Also we saw the silver monkeys,
macaques in families, mom’s with babies.
Did a great uphill hike, by myself one day.
A wooden board was rottten on a walkway.
I fell through it, scraped my left leg and arm.
It looked horrid, but no long-term harm.
Another walk to Delma through the forest and mangroves went.
The views to the sea were Heaven sent.
Speaking of beauty, silhouette sunsets we saw.
Pictures to prove it, blues, pinks, nature raw.
Jungle walk at night, lots of frogs we heard,
spiders, snails, and swallows - a cave-dwelling bird.
Their nests we saw, creatures of the night.
while walking with our guides and borrowed flashlight.
A wooden board was rottten on a walkway.
I fell through it, scraped my left leg and arm.
It looked horrid, but no long-term harm.
Another walk to Delma through the forest and mangroves went.
The views to the sea were Heaven sent.
Speaking of beauty, silhouette sunsets we saw.
Pictures to prove it, blues, pinks, nature raw.
Jungle walk at night, lots of frogs we heard,
spiders, snails, and swallows - a cave-dwelling bird.
Their nests we saw, creatures of the night.
while walking with our guides and borrowed flashlight.
Malaysians are Muslims, so we asked, where is it?
To the Islamic Museum, we paid a visit.
Examples were plentiful, from their rituals and such
plus daily artifacts, we liked it very much.
Our last night’s meal we ate at TopSpot
Pick your ingredients; they cook it in a pot.
A sampan ride on the River Sarawak
before we had to KL go back.
Fort Margherita & the James Brooke Gallery
Three generations of the Brooke’s family.
The “coming of age” of the Sarawak state -
the politics and people, all up-to-date.
To the Islamic Museum, we paid a visit.
Examples were plentiful, from their rituals and such
plus daily artifacts, we liked it very much.
Our last night’s meal we ate at TopSpot
Pick your ingredients; they cook it in a pot.
A sampan ride on the River Sarawak
before we had to KL go back.
Fort Margherita & the James Brooke Gallery
Three generations of the Brooke’s family.
The “coming of age” of the Sarawak state -
the politics and people, all up-to-date.
We did go to the 86th floor
of the KL Tower, 20 minutes, no more,
but super place for photos, and quite a view
our last tourist spot on our things-to-do.
KUALA LUMPUR on the very last day,
National Museum didn’t know the way.
Got a taxi to take me, had a few hours to kill.
Learned lots about history, and there got my fill.
Lesson: Never go anywhere without an address,
especially when you might have to guess,
especially when you have to fly out.
Never go anywhere and not know the route.
But luck was with me. I did get back fine.
We made it to the airport, breathing hard but on time.
Our Uber driver, a “friend” called Robin
was there when we needed and always called him.
Flew to HANOI, stayed overnight
In the morning, took our China Southern flight
to Guang Zhou a layover, then to SFO
saw a few movies and “Finding Nemo”.
Back again in the U.S. of A.
to recover, rest, recall, and all our bills pay.
National Museum didn’t know the way.
Got a taxi to take me, had a few hours to kill.
Learned lots about history, and there got my fill.
Lesson: Never go anywhere without an address,
especially when you might have to guess,
especially when you have to fly out.
Never go anywhere and not know the route.
But luck was with me. I did get back fine.
We made it to the airport, breathing hard but on time.
Our Uber driver, a “friend” called Robin
was there when we needed and always called him.
Flew to HANOI, stayed overnight
In the morning, took our China Southern flight
to Guang Zhou a layover, then to SFO
saw a few movies and “Finding Nemo”.
Back again in the U.S. of A.
to recover, rest, recall, and all our bills pay.
A busy week in May, a week in L.A.
Got down to celebrate a great Mother’s Day.
Went to the Mark Taper, a play to see,
Entitled “Archduke”- linked to history.
A trio of Serbians, who did their bit,
1914, WWI, they started it.
Got down to celebrate a great Mother’s Day.
Went to the Mark Taper, a play to see,
Entitled “Archduke”- linked to history.
A trio of Serbians, who did their bit,
1914, WWI, they started it.
At David’s duplex, the handyman came
Did electrical work each apt. the same.
All of this done for their protection
and for the up-‘n-coming apartment inspection.
Did some gardening and cleanup for sure
as much as body and mind could endure.
With Mom and her friends, played dominos
During a blackout - that’s how it goes.
No matter the winner, we all had fun.
I have to say, “I rarely won.”
Did electrical work each apt. the same.
All of this done for their protection
and for the up-‘n-coming apartment inspection.
Did some gardening and cleanup for sure
as much as body and mind could endure.
With Mom and her friends, played dominos
During a blackout - that’s how it goes.
No matter the winner, we all had fun.
I have to say, “I rarely won.”
Thursday, May 18th, was the big day,
With Dave, Frank, ‘n Mom on our housing foray
to present at City Hall to the Heritage Commission
my job to convince them and get admission
for the Cytron House, Historic Places of L.A.
as a Neutra building, they agreed, so hooray!
Other presenters, the Goldman Encino place
Approval of a mural for a theater wall space.
A bungalow village in Venice on the coast;
A case-study house for architects to boast.
June 8th Commissioners visited the gem
and yes, the house did impress them.
The next date July 20th, when Mom 'n Dave
presented to the committee with the idea to save
this property as a cultural site.
The presentation, must have been exactly right.
All the requirements, we did meet.
It’s noted by the city. Now isn’t that neat?
With Dave, Frank, ‘n Mom on our housing foray
to present at City Hall to the Heritage Commission
my job to convince them and get admission
for the Cytron House, Historic Places of L.A.
as a Neutra building, they agreed, so hooray!
Other presenters, the Goldman Encino place
Approval of a mural for a theater wall space.
A bungalow village in Venice on the coast;
A case-study house for architects to boast.
June 8th Commissioners visited the gem
and yes, the house did impress them.
The next date July 20th, when Mom 'n Dave
presented to the committee with the idea to save
this property as a cultural site.
The presentation, must have been exactly right.
All the requirements, we did meet.
It’s noted by the city. Now isn’t that neat?
May 23rd to June 3rd did go
CANADA, our neighbor to the north.
Frank and I, we then set forth
for 12 days of fun together, no doubt.
Too bad Lana and Riley bailed out.
CANADA, our neighbor to the north.
Frank and I, we then set forth
for 12 days of fun together, no doubt.
Too bad Lana and Riley bailed out.
Ubered to the airport, in the morn, 4:30;
on United at least they have films for free.
Ever wonder as the people you see
how their lives turn out to be?
“Girl on the Train”, could have been fact,
a woman and her ex as a sex maniac.
“Harry Benson”, one of two docs
Classic photographer, his iconic shots:
Bobby Kennedy’s death at the Biltmore;
Nancy and Ronnie dancing on the floor;
the Beatles in New York in 1964;
Michael at Neverland and many more.
“Dancer”, how Sergei Polunin, fought the fight,
We saw him practice; it was a delight.
Became a star, we watched him grow
and learned what dancers need to know.
Saw only partially another good one,
“The Founder” ‘bout MacDonald brothers’ super salesman.
Bussed it to TORONTO, walked to our place
Toronto Backpackers Hotel, a 2-bed space,
a few shelves, shared bathroom, breakfast we got,
Pita Land, downtown close, we walked a lot.
Inuit Exhibit, art of the North,Activist “Citizen Jane”, a doc it was worth
TIFF, lightbox Film Festival venue;
Theater screening room, for just a few.
Robert Moses, New York’s “clean-up act”
vs. Jane Jacobs’ idea, keep neighborhoods in tact.
on United at least they have films for free.
Ever wonder as the people you see
how their lives turn out to be?
“Girl on the Train”, could have been fact,
a woman and her ex as a sex maniac.
“Harry Benson”, one of two docs
Classic photographer, his iconic shots:
Bobby Kennedy’s death at the Biltmore;
Nancy and Ronnie dancing on the floor;
the Beatles in New York in 1964;
Michael at Neverland and many more.
“Dancer”, how Sergei Polunin, fought the fight,
We saw him practice; it was a delight.
Became a star, we watched him grow
and learned what dancers need to know.
Saw only partially another good one,
“The Founder” ‘bout MacDonald brothers’ super salesman.
Bussed it to TORONTO, walked to our place
Toronto Backpackers Hotel, a 2-bed space,
a few shelves, shared bathroom, breakfast we got,
Pita Land, downtown close, we walked a lot.
Inuit Exhibit, art of the North,Activist “Citizen Jane”, a doc it was worth
TIFF, lightbox Film Festival venue;
Theater screening room, for just a few.
Robert Moses, New York’s “clean-up act”
vs. Jane Jacobs’ idea, keep neighborhoods in tact.
From the CN Tower, we viewed the city
even from the glass floor, yes it was pretty.
Royal Ontario Museum didn’t fail.
Amazed us, an exhibit, called “The Blue Whale.
Krill, huge heart, skeletal display.
Evolution shows rhinos, cows, same DNA.
On other floors, other exhibits to see.
even from the glass floor, yes it was pretty.
Royal Ontario Museum didn’t fail.
Amazed us, an exhibit, called “The Blue Whale.
Krill, huge heart, skeletal display.
Evolution shows rhinos, cows, same DNA.
On other floors, other exhibits to see.
First Nation’s People and photography.
“Nanook of the North”, that great film saw again.
Robert Flaherty, a giant among men.
Artifacts from East Asia, Africa,
the Philippines, Brazil, and Samoa.
“Nanook of the North”, that great film saw again.
Robert Flaherty, a giant among men.
Artifacts from East Asia, Africa,
the Philippines, Brazil, and Samoa.
Thursday p.m., pay-as-you-want’s almost free,
So after the ROM, we went to see,
The Bata Museum, showed all sorts of shoes,
Examples from history, some worthy of news.
Since it was close and they stayed open late,
We were the last patrons out at 8.
So after the ROM, we went to see,
The Bata Museum, showed all sorts of shoes,
Examples from history, some worthy of news.
Since it was close and they stayed open late,
We were the last patrons out at 8.
Hoping for “rush” at the symphony
But no tickets. Then we got very lucky.
At St. Andrew’s Church, sign said: “Music 12:10.”
A book sale outside, perfect timing, so then
Wonderful pianist Rudin Lengo played
Beethoven, Haydn, Liszt, music made.
Our disappointment change to an afternoon high.
One door closed, but another opened wide.
Walked to the Art Gallery of Ontario
Fantastabulous place, known as AGO.
Georgia O’Keefe, a painter and her life,
her cultural circle, and Alfred Stieglitz’s wife.
Her flower close-ups, desert landscapes, bones,
an innovator with colors and tones.
Canadian artists, some quite amazing,
African sculptures and masks - all worth praising.
Inuit pieces, Impressionist Boudin.
Painter Paul Peel, sculptors Moore and Rodin.
Then dim-sum in Chinatown, Rosewood Café,
an end to a marvelously culture-filled day.
Fantastabulous place, known as AGO.
Georgia O’Keefe, a painter and her life,
her cultural circle, and Alfred Stieglitz’s wife.
Her flower close-ups, desert landscapes, bones,
an innovator with colors and tones.
Canadian artists, some quite amazing,
African sculptures and masks - all worth praising.
Inuit pieces, Impressionist Boudin.
Painter Paul Peel, sculptors Moore and Rodin.
Then dim-sum in Chinatown, Rosewood Café,
an end to a marvelously culture-filled day.
The Humanities and Social Sciences Congress, set,
at Ryerson U. in TORONTO, we met
with our Association, AHEA,
American Hungarian Educators, they
offered two days of meetings with interesting views,
academic topics on which to muse.
“Anatomy of Violence”, ‘bout rape & sex
a disturbing movie, so what to do next?
a showing for any and all to see.
Conclusion: It boils down to patriarchy.
at Ryerson U. in TORONTO, we met
with our Association, AHEA,
American Hungarian Educators, they
offered two days of meetings with interesting views,
academic topics on which to muse.
“Anatomy of Violence”, ‘bout rape & sex
a disturbing movie, so what to do next?
a showing for any and all to see.
Conclusion: It boils down to patriarchy.
An evening piano recital, a treat,
Two wonderful women, then good things to eat.
Hungarian consulate, this they sponsored.
We walked there and back and enjoyed the concert.
The last night, I went to hear Cornel West,
The speaker whose talk was really the best.
Equal opportunity, idol smashing,
Christian love of all and Black uplifting.
Two wonderful women, then good things to eat.
Hungarian consulate, this they sponsored.
We walked there and back and enjoyed the concert.
The last night, I went to hear Cornel West,
The speaker whose talk was really the best.
Equal opportunity, idol smashing,
Christian love of all and Black uplifting.
Canadian Coach bus, to BUFFALO we caught.
For tourists, We-Go transport tickets we bought.
Found our hotel, Days Inn, Victoria Street
Had falafel at a good place to eat.
Our first visit with David, 1985, Clifton Hill.
But NIAGARA FALLS delighted us still.
Rainbows and birds flying, boats in the mist.
A second honeymoon for us, so there we kissed.
Bridal Veil American Falls and also Horseshoe,
Niagara River fast flowing, wow, what a view!
Our favorite outing was NIAGARA GLEN.
Stairs down, down past boulders. Finally when
we reached the river, in the gorge, so forceful.
Forest green trees, cool and beautiful.
The weather was perfect; the trail good for us,
Loved this outing. Simply gorgeous.
In our hotel, saw Joe E. Brown
funny movie - “Earthworm Tractor”, the salesman.
Walked across the Rainbow Bridge and then to Luna Isle
Canadian geese and gulls were there; on the US side for awhile.
Started the day in a fancy way. This is how it’d begun
a very expensive breakfast buffet at the Hotel Sheraton.
We-Go bus to the Floral Clock,
For tourists, We-Go transport tickets we bought.
Found our hotel, Days Inn, Victoria Street
Had falafel at a good place to eat.
Our first visit with David, 1985, Clifton Hill.
But NIAGARA FALLS delighted us still.
Rainbows and birds flying, boats in the mist.
A second honeymoon for us, so there we kissed.
Bridal Veil American Falls and also Horseshoe,
Niagara River fast flowing, wow, what a view!
Our favorite outing was NIAGARA GLEN.
Stairs down, down past boulders. Finally when
we reached the river, in the gorge, so forceful.
Forest green trees, cool and beautiful.
The weather was perfect; the trail good for us,
Loved this outing. Simply gorgeous.
In our hotel, saw Joe E. Brown
funny movie - “Earthworm Tractor”, the salesman.
Walked across the Rainbow Bridge and then to Luna Isle
Canadian geese and gulls were there; on the US side for awhile.
Started the day in a fancy way. This is how it’d begun
a very expensive breakfast buffet at the Hotel Sheraton.
We-Go bus to the Floral Clock,
NOTL [Niagara on the Lake] shuttle to the charming town.
Lovely park on Ontario Lake, then the theater we found.
“Dancing at Lughnasa” a Tony-winning play
‘bout the need to release stress, and dancing is the way.
From our balcony on our last night, fireworks we could see.
Nice way to end our stay. Then we prepared to leave.
Bye Canada, bus to Buffalo, in the good ‘ol U.S.A.
“Dancing at Lughnasa” a Tony-winning play
‘bout the need to release stress, and dancing is the way.
From our balcony on our last night, fireworks we could see.
Nice way to end our stay. Then we prepared to leave.
Bye Canada, bus to Buffalo, in the good ‘ol U.S.A.
Stopover in Las Vegas, then back to Frisco Bay.
Late in July for the 6th year,
I “worked” as an usher volunteer,
S.F. Jewish Film Festival, great it was.
Some of the same folks are there because
we all love films and a marathon do.
Docs are my favorite, some narratives, too.
Ronen, Dana, Arlen, Beverly -
Returnees I was glad to see.
Feri saw movies on vouchers I got,
and for the most part, enjoyed it a lot.
August 19th, Frank and I, on the road
All plans in order, ready with our load:
tent and backpack and food to go,
South 101, plans to take it slow.
Stopped for a meal at Doña Esther.
Mexican food had the Gati pair.
After, at the Mission setting
a bride and groom in a Mexican wedding.
Drove to our motel, VENTURA CITY.
Realized I’d left the food. Oh what a pity!
So recouped and bought what we’d left behind -
hard-boiled eggs, sandwiches, stuff of this kind.
We missed the boat in the morning at 9.
At the wrong harbor, did not feel so fine.
Luckily there was another at 2.
We were there early, as told to do.
One hour, blue water, no clouds, a smooth ride,
Amid pods of dolphins, swam at our boat’s side.
Landed to stay on SANTA CRUZ ISLE.
Walked to our campsite, a half a mile.
Set up our tent, put our food in a safe box.
Immediately came ravens and a curious red fox.
Potato Harbor hike, Frank abandoned me,
I continued for three miles, it bordered the sea,
Saw birds, butterflies, and a fox made a killing,
The landscape was gorgeous, nothing but thrilling.
Later, on Cavern Point, there I met
Frank and a small group, for an orange sunset.
The ground was a bit hard, despite the pad.
Frank sleeps well anywhere; very little I had
Did see the total eclipse of the sun
Through morning fog, on August twenty-one.
Expensive, but arranged for a kayak trip,
equipment and review of oarsmanship.
a two-hour, guided tour through some caves.
saw blowholes and paddled into the waves.
We caught the 4:30 mainland boat.
had laryngitis, a frog in my throat,
a cough, runny nose, no sleep, and . . .
yet it was worth it; ‘twas short but grand.
On Friday, the 25th of August we,
Dave, Frank, Sal, Dan, and Shirley
had dinner together at Dave’s place outside.
Dan bought lasagna, and it satisfied.
Shirley was 97, her real birthday.
Dave bought cheesecake, Frank palacsinta made.
These sweet desserts and good wishes said.
Poems and birthday greetings were read.
Watched “Mother and Child” released 2010
with Annette Benning, Naomi Watts, Kerry Washington.
Stories on adoption, a three-in-one,
A woman’s movie, emotionally done.
A party with friends and family we had
on Saturday night, and all were glad
Had ice cream ‘n cake, and saw a movie
“A Majority of One”, looked for Shirl, didn’t see.
Rosalind Russell played a Brooklyn Jew and . . .
Alec Guiness,a Japanese businessman.
Saw “Two for the See Saw” the very next day.
Robert Mitchum and Shirley Maclaine showed the way
that women have guts, can say how they feel
‘twas l962, outspoken and real.
What a nice gathering, Michael and Alvin were there.
Her friends from the HUD House, and others who care.
Andrea and Mark, Steve and Joni, Suzi, Steve Schlein.
We had lots of fun. Mom had a good time.
Dave, Frank, Sal, Dan, and Shirley
had dinner together at Dave’s place outside.
Dan bought lasagna, and it satisfied.
Shirley was 97, her real birthday.
Dave bought cheesecake, Frank palacsinta made.
These sweet desserts and good wishes said.
Poems and birthday greetings were read.
Watched “Mother and Child” released 2010
with Annette Benning, Naomi Watts, Kerry Washington.
Stories on adoption, a three-in-one,
A woman’s movie, emotionally done.
A party with friends and family we had
on Saturday night, and all were glad
Had ice cream ‘n cake, and saw a movie
“A Majority of One”, looked for Shirl, didn’t see.
Rosalind Russell played a Brooklyn Jew and . . .
Alec Guiness,a Japanese businessman.
Saw “Two for the See Saw” the very next day.
Robert Mitchum and Shirley Maclaine showed the way
that women have guts, can say how they feel
‘twas l962, outspoken and real.
What a nice gathering, Michael and Alvin were there.
Her friends from the HUD House, and others who care.
Andrea and Mark, Steve and Joni, Suzi, Steve Schlein.
We had lots of fun. Mom had a good time.

Another trip down to L.A.
For David’s 44th October birthday.
Green Peas Veggie Restaurant patio,
Drove down for dinner - way to go!
Frank and Dave “The Pearl Fishers” saw
at the Dorothy Chandler, a story quite raw.
Dave and I saw the "Wonder Woman" movie
Gal Gadot, Patti Jenkins, Connie Neilsen make three
Also Danny Huston for discussion and food
went away feeling in a great mood.
Mom and I saw at the Beverly Real D
“The Darkest Hour”, Sunday screening for free.
Our 2007 Prius car gave to Dave
Hoping gas money this way he can save.
We took his Honda, to our home by the Bay
Fast but fun weekend, drove back on Monday.

RONDA came up in June, my birthday.
Debbie Fine and I, glad that she got away.
Roz Chast exhibit at the CJM.
Munch at the Modern, we enjoyed them.
Frank and I in the city joined her
for dinner at the hotel and at Mel’s Diner.
Debbie Fine and I, glad that she got away.
Roz Chast exhibit at the CJM.
Munch at the Modern, we enjoyed them.
Frank and I in the city joined her
for dinner at the hotel and at Mel’s Diner.
In September, on Saturday, for the APSA convention,
KAREN on a panel for her new book got attention.
She pulled it off nicely, we’re glad to say.
Then on Sunday, nice breakfast at the Beach Chalet.
KAREN on a panel for her new book got attention.
She pulled it off nicely, we’re glad to say.
Then on Sunday, nice breakfast at the Beach Chalet.
In April from Thailand, DAVE S. & ANNALYN came‘n stayed.
A short but sweet visit. An announcement they made.
The news of a baby expected to come.
A little boy arrived. Now they’re a dad and mom.
Opera, symphony, ballet mind-bending.
We’ve got it all, from blues to funk,
soul, disco, rock’n roll & punk.
“Hershey Felder’s Beethoven” in Mountain View
with JOHN & FRAN, what a fine thing to do.
With PAT to Hardly Strictly Bluegrass.
Wonderful way a weekend to pass.
Wonderful way a weekend to pass.
“Don Giovanni” at AT&T Park,
All bundled up for opera in the dark.
Beautiful ballet, we saw “Swan Lake”.
San Francisco Symphony, music miracles they make.
All bundled up for opera in the dark.
Beautiful ballet, we saw “Swan Lake”.
San Francisco Symphony, music miracles they make.
On November 13th, we packed our new car.With plans to drive it to places quite far.
The first day on I-80, got to RENO,
NEVADA, so different from all that we know.
A place of gambling - cold and windy
Food and phoniness, (but not all agree).
Our second day, more than 500 miles,
Across Nevada, historian-ophiles,
A stop where the Emigrants tried to find
a faster route to the California mines.
Those were the days known as “Westward Ho”.
Not everyone made it who wanted to go
Across Nevada, historian-ophiles,
A stop where the Emigrants tried to find
a faster route to the California mines.
Those were the days known as “Westward Ho”.
Not everyone made it who wanted to go
Next was in UTAH and the Latter Day Saints.
Joseph Smith and the story he paints.
The young missionaries from around the world
Anxious to share like flags unfurled,
Led us to see the exhibits & tableaux,
the Christmas creche & the whole Mormon “show”.
Joseph Smith and the story he paints.
The young missionaries from around the world
Anxious to share like flags unfurled,
Led us to see the exhibits & tableaux,
the Christmas creche & the whole Mormon “show”.
Two-lane backroads, that’s how to get
from each sparcely settled little town
Nothing but coal is there to be found.
Surface mining, we drove to see.
Along with oil - their biggest industry.
Our goal spot, the monument DEVIL’S TOWER.
Stayed in MOORCROFT, WYOMING drove less than an hour.
Visitors’ Center, got info enough -
geologic, indigenous, rock-climbers’ stuff.
Really enjoyed the loop, walked a mile,
round the bottom, were treated in style.
The fog disappeared and the rock appeared clear
In the light-falling snow, a darting deer,
Fallen boulders, red and cream-colored grass,
the height of this volcanic rock with such mass
surrounded by pine trees, the two of us alone.
Imagine the feeling, delighted to the bone.
It gave us a very memorable thrill
Like a sweet and savory sugar pill.
Two-lane backroads, that’s how to get
from each sparcely settled little town
Nothing but coal is there to be found.
Surface mining, we drove to see.
Along with oil - their biggest industry.
Our goal spot, the monument DEVIL’S TOWER.
Stayed in MOORCROFT, WYOMING drove less than an hour.
Visitors’ Center, got info enough -
geologic, indigenous, rock-climbers’ stuff.
Really enjoyed the loop, walked a mile,
round the bottom, were treated in style.
The fog disappeared and the rock appeared clear
In the light-falling snow, a darting deer,
Fallen boulders, red and cream-colored grass,
the height of this volcanic rock with such mass
surrounded by pine trees, the two of us alone.
Imagine the feeling, delighted to the bone.
It gave us a very memorable thrill
Like a sweet and savory sugar pill.
Drove from there to CHEYENNE all the way.
Olive Garden soup ‘n salad ended our day.
WYOMING, the state has 500,000 folk.
Compare that to San Francisco’s Castro and Polk.
Very white, rural, not diversified
and CHEYENNE its capital in the Depot takes pride,
in railroads and prairies, oil and coal.
Olive Garden soup ‘n salad ended our day.
WYOMING, the state has 500,000 folk.
Compare that to San Francisco’s Castro and Polk.
Very white, rural, not diversified
and CHEYENNE its capital in the Depot takes pride,
in railroads and prairies, oil and coal.
Snowy downtown for an hour, then it was rock’n roll
Abstractions with colors, his canvases fill.
Abstractions with colors, his canvases fill.
Sunday the 19th was special, do tell,
to BOULDER, to meet up with Darlene Mitchell,
an old friend and from Mission Center days
at least 30 years had passed, but friendships have ways
of keeping friends together no matter how far
time seems to pass or distances are.
Visited her home, took a walk by the creek,
toured the Greater Community, got an insider’s peak.
At the Dushanbe Teahouse, shared a wonderful meal,
Had a warm fulfilled feeling, that was for real.
The weather was a topic about which we BOULDER, to meet up with Darlene Mitchell,
an old friend and from Mission Center days
at least 30 years had passed, but friendships have ways
of keeping friends together no matter how far
time seems to pass or distances are.
Visited her home, took a walk by the creek,
toured the Greater Community, got an insider’s peak.
At the Dushanbe Teahouse, shared a wonderful meal,
Had a warm fulfilled feeling, that was for real.
COLORADO was cold but was not a joke.
In fact, in the sun, it was downright hot
and the sunset in the evening - a forget-me-not,
Like a whipped cream smoothie, the color of peach,
Swirls of vanilla to the Rockies reach.

OAKLEY is named for Little Phoebe Ann,
a marks-woman at 12 who said she can
shoot and she did in the Wild West Show
of Big Bill Cody, hunter of Buffalo.
Spent half a day in DODGE CITY
The Boot Hill Museum quite accurately
interesting, honest and exact
treated cowboys, Indians, and Lawmen in fact.
Front Street rebuilt, school, saloon, general store,
original cemetery, the church and much more.
Native peoples on the high plains,
newspapers, doctors, high-stake gambling games.
The bank and the influence of Hollywood flicks.
Gunsmoke and all of the hard-livin’ tricks.
A three-hour stay in KANSAS, WICHITA,a marks-woman at 12 who said she can
shoot and she did in the Wild West Show
of Big Bill Cody, hunter of Buffalo.
Spent half a day in DODGE CITY
The Boot Hill Museum quite accurately
interesting, honest and exact
treated cowboys, Indians, and Lawmen in fact.
Front Street rebuilt, school, saloon, general store,
original cemetery, the church and much more.
Native peoples on the high plains,
newspapers, doctors, high-stake gambling games.
The bank and the influence of Hollywood flicks.
Gunsmoke and all of the hard-livin’ tricks.
the art museum. Here’s what we saw:
a photography retrospective - IRVING PENN
and other famous women and men
CHARLES RUSSEL’s paintings of the west:
cowboys and Indians and sculptures - the best.
Years ago Mom did some testing for Corning.
Microwave cookware, if it needed a warning.
As part of her pay, they gave her a fish
of Steuben glass - a collector’s wish.
In the museum, these old memories came.
Their Steuben exhibit made note of their fame.
“Surveilance” shows on whom we are spied,
And everyone now has no place to hide.
CHIHULY’s bridge of colored blown glass
and a long, hanging sculpture, the atrium has.
They have their own contemporary art collection
with stories told of each selection.
Off on the backroads of Highway 81 -
Cattle, cotton, cornfields, and grasslands bar none.
Past OKLAHOMA CITY on Highway 35
Where, in NORMAN, we did arrive.
3,000 miles it took us to go
for Thanksgiving Dinner we had in PLANO.
With LANA, TONY, RILEY in TEXAS, delicious meal.
DAVE flew from L.A., so it was a big deal.
Mashed and sweet potatoes and a big turkey,
Caesar salad, green-bean casserole, cranberries ‘n gravy.
for Thanksgiving Dinner we had in PLANO.
With LANA, TONY, RILEY in TEXAS, delicious meal.
DAVE flew from L.A., so it was a big deal.
Mashed and sweet potatoes and a big turkey,
Caesar salad, green-bean casserole, cranberries ‘n gravy.
headed for HAGARMAN, some birds to spy.
Herons, hawks, ducks, coots, snow & Ross geese, and . .
we walked along paths, this winter stopover they make
to Deaver Pond and to the shores of the lake.
headed for HAGARMAN, some birds to spy.
Herons, hawks, ducks, coots, snow & Ross geese, and . .
we walked along paths, this winter stopover they make
to Deaver Pond and to the shores of the lake.
Holocaust Museum, paid through Groupon.
The Warsaw uprising picts and artifacts,
a real freight car and sounds from the real tracks.
Survivors in a doc, really edited well,
told of the torture in stories from Hell.
Dinner with LANA, TONY, and RILEY,
Another Olive Garden Italian eatery.
DAVE planned an early Sunday morning flick
at the Angelica, it was his pick:
“Ladybird” is about a high school teen
who grows up in front of us, her life is seen.
Boyfriends, Catholic school, sex, family,
Very well acted, showing reality.

DAVE went back on Sunday to L.A.
FRANK and I went to FORT WORTH for the day.
The Modern Museum was ours, paintings all
and a doc on Paris, Texas. . . remarkable!
An orange sunset in the sky, we left behind.
and to the BAUTISTAS as our last day did unwind.
Gave “Thanks” to TONY, LANA, and RI
for a wonderful visit and then said “Good-bye.”
FRANK and I went to FORT WORTH for the day.
The Modern Museum was ours, paintings all
and a doc on Paris, Texas. . . remarkable!
An orange sunset in the sky, we left behind.
and to the BAUTISTAS as our last day did unwind.
Gave “Thanks” to TONY, LANA, and RI
for a wonderful visit and then said “Good-bye.”
Heading home out of TEXAS, via the southern route.
Been there before but always more to know.
The Range Café, Happy Hour Mexican fare,
Then to the Tramway, by 5 we were there.
Up to the top in the cable car.
Sunset and city at night was by far
One of the most beautiful unexpected sights
and one of our most memorable nights.

ARIZONA daytrip, stayed almost till dark.
218 million years ago
on the Crystal Forest, these trees did grow
and beauty in colors the badlands show
from red, blue, gray, purple - we looked below.
Old Highway 66 runs right through
saw the pretty PAINTED DESERT, & the old café made new.
ARIZONA daytrip, stayed almost till dark.
218 million years ago
on the Crystal Forest, these trees did grow
and beauty in colors the badlands show
from red, blue, gray, purple - we looked below.
Old Highway 66 runs right through
saw the pretty PAINTED DESERT, & the old café made new.
Note: Thanks to LANA and TONY, we stayed
either free or family price, that’s how we paid
in Hampton Inn or Fairfield Hotel
Sure helped our budget, and we slept very well.
Instead of stopping one more day
we decided to drive from FLAGSTAFF to L.A.
Back via PALM SPRINGS in hopes to see
friends we have there, but not one of the three
was there to see us so we drove some more miles,
Were welcomed by DAVE and MOM with hugs and smiles.
either free or family price, that’s how we paid
in Hampton Inn or Fairfield Hotel
Sure helped our budget, and we slept very well.
Instead of stopping one more day
we decided to drive from FLAGSTAFF to L.A.
Back via PALM SPRINGS in hopes to see
friends we have there, but not one of the three
was there to see us so we drove some more miles,
Were welcomed by DAVE and MOM with hugs and smiles.
Stayed in LA another five days,
watching movies every day so mom could praise
the actors, the directors, the ensemble casts
those who she thought should not be bypassed -
I watched some of the movies with her
With some of her ideas, I can concur.
Many good movies, many admirable roles
made it quite difficult, like voting polls.
But comment I can, loved Sally Hawkins in “Maudie”,
Gary Oldman in “Darkest Hours”, Winston Churchill played he.
Mom liked Judy Dench in “Victoria and Abdul”,
played the queen well, was kind and no fool.
Both of the leads in “Call Me By Your Name”
deserve some mention as with those in “Molly’s Game”.
In “The Florida Project”, the kids go wild.
Notice should not be given to each child.
“Norman”, Frank liked, I not so much;
“Meyerwitz Stories” had the sad but comedic touch.
“The Disaster Artist” with the brothers Franco
“I, Tonya”, looked at a white low-life show.
Daniel Day Lewis played a designer big-head
in his final role in the “Phantom Thread”.
Woody Allen’s “Wonder Wheel” - someone needy.
Dave nicknamed it “Corny Island”- jealous and greedy.
While Mom and I saw screeners galore
so she could nominate for the SAG Award
Dave and Frank to Disney Hall.
With seemingly no effort at all,
Hilary Hahn played her violin
While Sal and Shirl put Dave’s manuscript in
Kevin Smith’s mailbox - personal delivery
That was one step that had to be.
Saw Dan for a quick moment, came in to say “Hi.”
with Lasagna for us; was just to drop by.
Faris house in need, so calking was done.
Around the kitchen sink, now mold should be none.
watching movies every day so mom could praise
the actors, the directors, the ensemble casts
those who she thought should not be bypassed -
I watched some of the movies with her
With some of her ideas, I can concur.
Many good movies, many admirable roles
made it quite difficult, like voting polls.
But comment I can, loved Sally Hawkins in “Maudie”,
Gary Oldman in “Darkest Hours”, Winston Churchill played he.
Mom liked Judy Dench in “Victoria and Abdul”,
played the queen well, was kind and no fool.
Both of the leads in “Call Me By Your Name”
deserve some mention as with those in “Molly’s Game”.
In “The Florida Project”, the kids go wild.
Notice should not be given to each child.
“Norman”, Frank liked, I not so much;
“Meyerwitz Stories” had the sad but comedic touch.
“The Disaster Artist” with the brothers Franco
“I, Tonya”, looked at a white low-life show.
Daniel Day Lewis played a designer big-head
in his final role in the “Phantom Thread”.
Woody Allen’s “Wonder Wheel” - someone needy.
Dave nicknamed it “Corny Island”- jealous and greedy.
While Mom and I saw screeners galore
so she could nominate for the SAG Award
Dave and Frank to Disney Hall.
With seemingly no effort at all,
Hilary Hahn played her violin
While Sal and Shirl put Dave’s manuscript in
Kevin Smith’s mailbox - personal delivery
That was one step that had to be.
Saw Dan for a quick moment, came in to say “Hi.”
with Lasagna for us; was just to drop by.
Faris house in need, so calking was done.
Around the kitchen sink, now mold should be none.
Back to S.F., what a long, drawn-out drive!
Two hours stopped on the road Highway five.
Trucks, cars, all lined up, land and houses burned.
Wildfires, smoke, tie-up, delayed our return.
November 13th to December 4th
Our three-week road trip, everything, it was worth.
Two hours stopped on the road Highway five.
Trucks, cars, all lined up, land and houses burned.
Wildfires, smoke, tie-up, delayed our return.
November 13th to December 4th
Our three-week road trip, everything, it was worth.
We arrived at night safely, 5400 miles done.
Saw some of the U.S., met with family, had fun.
Saw some of the U.S., met with family, had fun.
We live by our rules since now we’re retired.
No more in the world of “You’re hired or fired.”
We let others fight the powers that be
while we do our day-to-day, more casually.
No more in the world of “You’re hired or fired.”
We let others fight the powers that be
while we do our day-to-day, more casually.
I still believe that our country can be stronger.
To believe in each other may take a bit longer.
But no matter what the color of our skin
nor what faith we practice or the one we’re born in.
No matter the amount of money we possess
or who we love or how we dress. . .
these are the goals we still can attain.
The climate is important; science will remain
the one way to prove things. We must not lose heart.
The wealthy don’t need tax cuts, while we do our part.
Marriage equality and health-care choice.
To believe in each other may take a bit longer.
But no matter what the color of our skin
nor what faith we practice or the one we’re born in.
No matter the amount of money we possess
or who we love or how we dress. . .
these are the goals we still can attain.
The climate is important; science will remain
the one way to prove things. We must not lose heart.
The wealthy don’t need tax cuts, while we do our part.
Marriage equality and health-care choice.
A woman should be able to use her voice to make decisions and stand up to power
and not be intimidated and have to cower.
These are good goals. There are people out there
I’m certain who can act both justly and fair.
Oh yes there are people who have harm in mind
Terrorists, haters, gun-toters, they’ll find
ways to make us think we should change
but the truth will not make us re-arrange
our thoughts about helping our fellow man
where talk and not war is the way we can
try to keep peace on earth - our only “home”.
It almost sounds possible in this poem.
Our nation’s divided. Now’s the young people’s call.
It’s a national problem affecting us all.
The problem’s not new but new people must fight
for higher ideals and what they think right.
Now it’s time the factors to assess:
nature, climate change, development excess.
Solutions will not be found in a day,
but let’s start from here. There must be a way
to think about consequences, come to conclusions
so suffering and loss will have some solutions.
I’m certain who can act both justly and fair.
Oh yes there are people who have harm in mind
Terrorists, haters, gun-toters, they’ll find
ways to make us think we should change
but the truth will not make us re-arrange
our thoughts about helping our fellow man
where talk and not war is the way we can
try to keep peace on earth - our only “home”.
It almost sounds possible in this poem.
Our nation’s divided. Now’s the young people’s call.
It’s a national problem affecting us all.
The problem’s not new but new people must fight
for higher ideals and what they think right.
Now it’s time the factors to assess:
nature, climate change, development excess.
Solutions will not be found in a day,
but let’s start from here. There must be a way
to think about consequences, come to conclusions
so suffering and loss will have some solutions.
In our yard, there are scrub jays. One I’ve named BLUE.
The other is FLUFFY, the younger of the two.
At first I shared bread and thought it quite fun
when BLUE got much closer and refused to run.
I gave her some sunflower seeds just to see
if she liked them. She became so greedy
that FLUFFY had to stay up in the tree
and not come down till the coast was free.
Daily they come. Blue sits on the deck,
sees me in the window, then turns her neck
as if to say, “Where are this day’s meals?”
And now I’ve been trained and know how it feels
to be manipulated by two feathered “friends”.
Our trees are their home and this joy never ends.
As 2017 is ending, there’s still hope for peace
and our thoughts of you, definitely increase.
We trust you’ll find your own special joy.
Let it be known. Don’t be coy.
Hoping for good health and happiness - our wishes
we send you our greetings with warm hugs and kisses.
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Hi everyone, My name is Riri, I'm from Indonesia. I knew Mrs. Sally Gati when I was studied at CCSF chinatown Campus. She was My teacher. I lost Contact with her when she retiring from CCSF and I forgot to ask her email address. I remembered when she told me that she and Her husband will visit Indonesia. But she cancelled it with some reason. I really want to communicated with her.
Hi Mrs. Gati, do you still remember me? I'm in Indonesia Now. Thank you for the book that you gave to me.
If you see this Comment please contect me. Here is my Email Address:
I really want to talk with you again.
Thank you & Regards,
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