Smart food choices can make a huge difference in your waistline and in your health. Take the following quiz and find out how good you are at separating fact from fiction.
TRUE or FALSE? (Circle T or F.)
1. Olive oil is less fattening than butter. T or F
2. High-fructose corn syrup (HFCCS) is worse for you than regular sugar.
T or F
3. Eating at night won’t pack on more pounds than eating during the day.
T or F


* Your IQ is your Intelligence Quotient, a test to assess “how smart you are.”
1. Olive oil is less fattening than butter. T or F
One tablespoon of olive oil is approximately 120 calories compared to 100 for butter. But a food can be fattening and still be good for you. Olive oil contains heart-healthy mono-unsaturated fat. Butter contains artery-clogging saturated fat. I would choose olive oil over butter. I just wouldn’t overdo it.
2. High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is worse for you than regular sugar.
Since high-fructose corn syrup is cheaper to produce than sugar, food manufacturers cram it into cookies, candy, cereals, and into just about anything that requires a sweetener. Rather than banning it from your diet, you’re better off cutting back on sugar from ALL sources. That includes honey, maple syrup, brown sugar, agave syrup, and fruit-juice concentrate, which are found in many so-called “healthy” treats.
3. Eating at night won’t pack on more pounds than eating during the day.
The only thing that matters is how much you eat over the course of a day. Excess calories from any source, eaten at any time, will be stored as fat unless you burn them off. On the other hand, stopping nighttime snacking can be an effective diet strategy. It reduces the amount of high-cal junk food we typically eat in front of the television after dinner.
Let’s find some synonyms. Compare your answers to your partner’s.
You can also try to write your own sentences using the new word.
For example true = correct, right false = incorrect, wrong
a. She’s a smart woman.
smart (adj.) ___________________________________________________
b. He crammed for an hour before the exam.
to cram (v) ____________________________________________________
c. The government banned the book, Tom Sawyer.
to ban (v) _____________________________________________________
d. I have to cut back on the amount of salt I eat.
to cut back (v) __________________________________________________________
e. Too much bread is fattening.
to be fattening (adj,) __________________________________________________
f. Exercise, but don’t overdo it.
to overdo (something) ___________________________________________________
g. It is approximately 4:00. I have approximately $5.
approximately (adverb)_________________________________________________
h. The airlines are now charging more money for excess weight.
excess (adjective) ____________________________________________________
i. If you pour oil down the drain, it will clog it up.
to clog (v); clogging (adj.) ______________________________________________
j. After doing a wonderful performance at school, all the children ate their treats.
treats (noun, plural) (examples are fine) ____________________________________
k. She never eats a meal. She only snacks.
to snack (verb) ______________________________________________________
snacking (noun) ______________________________________________________
l. I have a good strategy for learning new words – I write my own sentences for practice.
strategy (n)____________________________________________________________
k. My family typically goes to Chinatown for dim sum on Sundays.
typically (adv.) ________________________________________________________
1. What verbs should you use with these words?
verb adjective verb noun
be different make a difference
interesting an interest
expensive an expense
necessary a necessity
Compare a noun to another noun using these ADJECTIVE + INFINITIVE “THAN”
faster to cook than
For example: White rice is faster to cook than brown rice.
Potatoes are faster to cook than corn.
Be careful. If your subject is plural, use a plural verb. If it’s singular, use a singular verb.
a.___________________________cheaper to produce than ______________________
b.___________________________safer to drive than ___________________________
c.___________________________better to eat than___________________________
d.___________________________more expensive to buy than_____________________
e.___________________________easier to use than ___________________________
f.___________________________tastier to drink than___________________________
g.___________________________nicer to talk to than ___________________________
3. A. BE BETTER OFF doing something
You’re better off _________ing than ______________ing something else.
For example: You’re better off taking the bus than walking.
I’m better off ______________________________ than __________________________
He’s ___________________________________________________________________
She was ________________________________________________________________
B. Rather than walking, you’re better off taking the bus.
Rather than eating candy, __________________________________________________
Rather than doing my homework in the afternoon, I’m ____________________________
Rather than ______________________________________________________________
Sugar content of selected common plant foods Fructose is a sugar found naturally in fruits and vegetables.
apples apricots, bananas, grapes, peaches, pineapples, pears
red beets, carrots, sweet corn, sweet red peppers, sweet onion, sweet potatoes, yams, sugar cane, sugar beets
HFCS is a mixture of fructose and glucose that comes from corn and is used
in processed foods
soft drinks, yogurt, industrial bread, cookies, salad dressing, tomato soup
Talk to your partner and then write your answers in complete sentences.
1. It’s my birthday and I have invited you to my party. There is a big cake, and everybody is going to get a piece. You are trying to lose weight, and you think the cake looks too fattening, but you don’t want to insult me. You don’t want to eat any cake, so what could you say to me?
2. We are going on a picnic together. You are going to bring the chicken and I’m going to bring the fruit. What kind of fruit would you like me to bring?
3. We also have another friend who is going to join us for our picnic. We want him
or her to bring something to eat. We want it to be something nutritious. What should we ask that person to bring?
4. What do you like to eat in front of the television?
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