Monday, August 24, 2009

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

A shepherd boy who took care of his sheep not far from a village, used to amuse himself by crying out, “Wolf, wolf!” Two or three times his trick succeeded. Everyone in the village came running to help him; however, when they arrived, the boy just laughed.
One day, a wolf really did come; and when the boy cried out in his loudest voice, nobody paid any attention to him. Not only did nobody pay any attention to him, the wolf ate his sheep.
The boy learned, too late, that people will not believe liars even when they tell the truth.

The moral of this story (what you can learn from this story) is this: NEVER CRY WOLF.

When we think a person is calling for help and really doesn’t need it, we often say this:
“I think s/he’s just crying wolf.”

A: Why didn’t anybody help the boy? Circle the correct answer.
1. Nobody heard him call.
2. The wolf really came.
3. He didn’t cry “wolf.”
4. Nobody believed him.

B: Find synonyms in the reading above for these verbs:
1. watch over; care for_______________________________________
2. had the desired result ______________________________________
3. have a good time; spend the time pleasantly__________________________

C. Write antonyms for these words. Also, tell me what part of speech the words are.
1. near (preposition) _______________________________
2. whispering (noun) ______________________________
3. failed (______________) _______________________________
4. cried (______________) _______________________________
5. left (______________) _______________________________
6. did go (______________) _______________________________
7. weakest (______________) _______________________________
8. soon (______________) _______________________________
9. everybody (______________) _______________________________
10. lie (______________) _______________________________

D. He used to amuse himself by crying out, “Wolf, wolf.”
used to
means something that no longer exists or no longer is done or you do completely differently.
a. I used to smoke, but I don’t do it any more.
b. .My friend used to live in China, but now she lives in the United States.
c. I never used to take the bus, but now I take it every day.
d. She didn’t use to use the Internet to look up spelling words, but now she uses it all the time.
Please write two sentences –
1. something you USED TO DO but don’t do now

2. something you DIDN’T USE TO DO but you do now

E. REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS: I do it myself. We ………ourselves
You …….yourself You ……..yourselves
He ………himself They……..themselves
Write new sentences using the words given: He amused himself by crying out, “Wolf.”

1. _________________________playing video games.
2. _________________________watching television.
3. __________________________listening to CDs.
4. __________________________reading comics.
5. _________________________collecting stamps.

F. Rewrite the complete sentences:
1. A shepherd ______ _____________ ______ ____ his sheep.
2. He __________ ____ amuse himself by crying out.
3. _______________ in the village came to help him.
4. The boy ________________ laughed.
5. ______________paid any attention to him.

G. .Write Yes/No questions. Then answer with a short answer.
1. The boy took care of sheep.

2. His trick succeeded a few times.

3. Everyone in the village helped him.

4. A wolf really did come.

5. The wolf ate his sheep.


H.Write another word you know that comes from the same family as the first word.
Then write a sentence using these words.

1. shepherd (noun) sheep (noun)
a. -------_________________________________________________________
b. -------_________________________________________________________
2. success (noun) __________________________ (adj.)
a. -------_________________________________________________________
b. -------_________________________________________________________
3. arrival (noun) ___________________________ (verb)
a. -------_________________________________________________________
b. -------_________________________________________________________
4. strength (noun) ___________________________ (adj.)
a. -------_________________________________________________________
b. -------_________________________________________________________
5. attentive (adj.) ___________________________ (noun)
a. -------_________________________________________________________
b. -------_________________________________________________________
6. lie (verb) ____________________________ (noun)
a. -------_________________________________________________________
b. -------_________________________________________________________

I. CONVERSATION Talk to your partner. Then write your answer.
Why do you think some people cry wolf?

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