Sunday, May 24, 2009

Music Alone Shall Live

Make new friends,
but keep the old.
One is silver,
and the other’s gold.
The before a vowel sound makes “the” “theeeeeee”
For example:
1. The other class is in room 104.
2. The apple is on the table.
3. The eggs are in the fridge.
4. The ice cream store sells chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla.
5. The opposite of small is big.
6. The umbrella is in the closet.
7. The hour is over. There’s no more time today.
But . . .
1. The University of California at Berkeley is a good school.
YOUR TURN Please write a sentence with “the” and a vowel word following it.

Grammar One and the other
For example:
1. I have two sisters.

One is 5 years old, and the other is 7.
2. One of my books is new, and the others are used.

YOUR TURN. Please write a sentence using One and the other.

When talking about new and old friends, what does it mean: One is silver, and the other’s gold? Please talk to your partner and then write what you think.

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