Jim walked into a store that had a sign outside: SECOND-HAND CLOTHES BOUGHT AND SOLD. He was carrying an old pair of pants and asked the owner of the store, “How much will you give me for these?
The man looked at them and then said rudely, “Two dollars.”
“What!” said Jim. “I had guessed they were worth at least five.”
“No,” said the man. “They aren’t worth a penny more than two dollars.”
“Are you sure?” asked Jim.
“Very sure,” said the man.
“Well,” said Jim, taking two dollars out of his pocket. “Here’s your money. These pants were hanging outside your store with a price tag that said $6.50, but I thought that was too much money, so I wanted to make sure how much they were really worth.”
Then he walked out of the store with the pair of pants and disappeared before the surprised store owner could think of anything to say. A SAYING: HE,WHO LAUGHS LAST LAUGHS BEST.
1. second-hand adj. [second-hand clothes]
(a) use both hands
(b) used
(c) inexpensive
2. sign n. [A store had a sign outside.]
(a) to write your signature
(b) stop
(c) a display to identify or advertise a place of business or a product
3. rude adj. (He’s a rude man.)
(a) insulting, bad-mannered, impolite
(b) bright red
(c) a long road
( rudely adverb The man spoke rudely.
The man rudely said, “Get out of here.”)
4. guess v. (I had guessed they were worth at least five dollars.)
(a) to be certain or to be sure
(b) to be uncertain or not to know for sure
(c) to be a visitor in someone’s house
5. a price tag n. (The price tag said $6.50.)
(a) the store name (b) a piece of paper telling the customer how much the merchandise is. (c) the name of the manufacturer
1. Circle and number all 18 past tense-verbs in this anecdote.
2. What are the two past continuous verbs?
a. ____________________________
b. ____________________________
3. There’s one future-tense verb. What is it? ___________________________
4, There’s one past-perfect tense verb. What is it? _______________________
5. What are the three present-tense verbs (all be verbs)
a. ____________________________
b. ____________________________
c. ____________________________
6. There’s one modal and a base form. What is this verb? ________________
7. WANT + infinitive (I wanted to make sure how much they were really worth.)
a. We want to go to a restaurant.
b. The bus driver always wants to see our transfers.
YOUR TURN: . Write a sentence using WANT + infinitive
c. _________________________________________________________
8. too + adjective (This structure gives a MORE THAN, negative idea)
Examples: a. I thought that was too much money.
b. $500 is too much money to spend for a sofa.
c. These pants are too tight for me.
d. too hot
too cold
too tired
too big
YOUR TURN: Write a sentence using too + an adjective.
e. _____________________________________________________________________
9. Find the adjectives for these nouns.
a. ____ ______________ store
b. ___________________ clothes
c. ____ ___________ pair
d. ___________________ pants
e. _____ _____________ tag
10. to be worth (some amount of ) money
a. I had guessed they were worth at least five dollars.
b. How much is your car worth? It’s worth $7000. (singular)
c. How much are these recycled bottles worth? They’re worth 5¢ each.
Read and practice this dialogue:
A: How much is your car worth?
B: I bought it for $15,000.
A: How much is it worth now?
B: It’s only worth $7000.
A: Cars depreciate, and they’re worth much less after you buy them.
B: I know. My car doesn’t run, so it’s not worth a penny. It’s worthless.
YOUR TURN: Write a sentence using be + worth or negative be + worth. examples:
(singular - TV, house, this book, my old typewriter/computer, my used car, my gold ring, this second-hand chair , ______________)
a. ___________________________________________________________________
(plural – these old clothes, these coins, these second-hand pants, ___________________)
b. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
11. Put these nouns in the MUCH or MANY column:
clothes, rice, people, music, bad economic news, men, children, coffee, homework
(You can use TOO with MUCH or MANY if you want.)
MUCH + a non-count noun (negative) MANY + plural count noun
_________________________ ________________________
_________________________ ________________________
_________________________ ________________________
12. YOUR TURN: Write three sentences using MUCH and MANY + nouns
a. _______________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________________
[* a lot of and some can be used for non-count and count nouns.]
SECOND-HAND CLOTHES BOUGHT AND SOLD. Second-hand clothes are bought and sold (by the storeowner).
The owner buys and sells second-hand clothes.
1 2 3 4 5
infinitive present tense past tense present perfect tense past perfect tense passive voice
(has/have + past participle) (had + past participle) (be + past participle)
1. to buy buy/s bought has/have brought had brought is/are/was/were brought
1. I always buy mushrooms at Safeway.
2. I bought mushrooms at Safeway last week.
3. I have already bought mushrooms for dinner.
4. My husband went shopping and bought mushrooms, but I had already bought mushrooms. I told him to ask me before he goes shopping next time.
5. Mushrooms were bought by my husband.

2. to sell ___________ ___________ ______________ _____________ _______________________
Write an ACTIVE SENTENCE using the verb sell (subject, verb, object) in any tense.
Now, write the same sentence in PASSIVE VOICE using the verb sell ( subject and verb NO OBJECT) in any tense.
3. to kill ___________ ___________ ______________ _____________ _______________________
Write an ACTIVE SENTENCE using the verb kill (subject, verb, object) in any tense.
Now, write the same sentence in PASSIVE VOICE using the verb kill ( subject and verb NO OBJECT) in any tense.
4. to take (something) ___________ ___________ ______________ _____________ _______________
Write an ACTIVE SENTENCE using the verb take (subject, verb, object) in any tense.
Now, write the same sentence in PASSIVE VOICE using the verb take ( subject and verb NO OBJECT) in any tense.
CONVERSATION Talk to your partner and then write your answers in complete sentences.
1. What was the man’s name in the anecdote (short funny story)? ________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. What kind of store did Jim go into?
3. Did Jim want to buy or sell the pants?
4. What is the opposite of “rude”? and Who spoke rudely?
How much were the pants, according to the price tag?
5. How much did Jim pay the storeowner for the pants?
6. Who had the last laugh? And why?
________________________________________________________________________________________________ sgati©2009
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