Look for your Census Form in Mid-March, 2010.
Each question helps to determine how more than $400 billion will be
allocated to communities across the country.
10 Census Questions
1. How many people were living or staying in this house, apartment, or mobile home on April 1, 2010?
Number of people = ____ ____
2. Were there any additional people staying here April 1, 2010 that you did not include in Question 1?
Mark X in all that apply.
__ Children, such as newborn babies or foster children
__ Relatives, such as adult children, cousins, or in-laws
__ Non-relatives, such as roommates or live-in baby sitters
__ People staying here temporarily
__ No additional people
3. Is this house, apartment, or mobile home –
Mark X ONE box.
__ Owned by you or someone in this household with a mortgage or loan?
Include home equity loans
__ Owned by you or someone in this household free and clear
(without a mortgage or loan)?
__ Rented?
__ Occupied without payment of rent?
4. What is your telephone number?
(We may call if we don’t understand an answer.)
Area Code + Number
-- _
5. Please provide information for each person living here. Start with a person living here who owns or rents this house, apartment, or mobile home. If the owner or renter lives somewhere else, start with any adult living here. This will be Person 1.
What is Person 1’s name? Print name below.
Last name
First name MI
(Federal law protects the confidentiality of personal information, including names.)
6. What is Person 1’s sex? Mark X ONE box.
Male Female
Sociologists, economists, and other researchers who analyze social and economic trends use the data.
7. What is Person 1’s age and what is Person 1’s date of birth?
Print numbers in boxes.
Age on April 1, 2010 Month Day Year of birth
Federal, state, and local governments need data about age to forecast the number of people eligible for Social Security or Medicare benefits. The data are also used to plan and evaluatae government programs and policies that provide funds or services for children, working-age adults, women of childbearing age, or the older population.
8. Is Person 1 of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
__ No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
__ Yes, Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano
__ Yes, Puerto Rican
__ Yes, Cuban
__ Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
9. What is Person 1’s race? Mark X one or more boxes.
Black, African-American, or Negro
American Indian or Alaska Native
(Print name of enrolled or principal tribe.)
Asian Indian Japanese Native Hawaiian
Chinese Korean Guamanian or Chamorro
Filipino Vietnamese Samoan
Other Asian -- Other Pacific Islander
Print race, for example, Hmong, Laotian, Print race, for example,
Pakistani, Cambodian, and so on Fijian, Tongan, and so on.
Some other race Print race.
Race data are used to assess fairness of employment practices and to plan and obtain
funds for public services.
10. Does Person 1 sometimes live or stay somewhere else?
No Yes Mark X all that apply.
In college housing For child custody
In the military In jail
At a seasonal or In a nursing home
second residence
For another reason
Look at each question and answer in a complete sentence.
What’s the VERB you’re going to use in #1? BE LIVING
VERB: _________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
VERB: __________________________ (passive*)
3. _________________________________________________________________
VERB: _________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________
VERB: _________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________
VERB: _________________________
6. _________________________________________________________________
VERB: _________________________
7. _________________________________________________________________
VERB: _________________________
8. _________________________________________________________________
VERB: _________________________
9. _________________________________________________________________
VERB: _________________________
10. _________________________________________________________________
*PASSIVE VOICE. (the object is the subject and the verb is BE + the past participle )
1. This car is owned by me and my husband.
2. The crime was committed by a thirty-year-old man.
3. That baseball was hit by Barry Bonds.
4. My wallet was taken by somebody.
5. The grapes must have been eaten by my son.
6. Everyone must be counted.
7. Your census information is protected by law.
8. Your census information will never be shared with anyone.
PASSIVE VOICE (Object is now the Subject )
to ACTIVE VOICE (Subject Verb Object)
for example: THE BOY THREW THE BALL.
1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________
1. I’m concerned that this may be the first time the census will count non-citizens.
The U.S. Constitution mandates us to count everyone, including both citizens and non-citizens. We’ve followed this mandate, since the first census in 1790. The Framers of the Constitution made it clear they wanted “all inhabitants” of the country counted in the U.S. Census, and every Presidential Administration since that time that has overseen a Census has interpreted the Constitution and the laws require everyone to be counted.
a. What is the U.S. Constitution?
b. “to mandate” (verb) means what? What is a “mandate”(a noun)?
c. Who were the “Framers of the Constitution”?
d. What’s an “inhabitant”? ______________________________________
e. What is the U.S. Census?
2. I’m concerned about sharing my information with anyone.
Census information is protected by law, and everyone who works for the census must swear that they will never disclose any personal information. Penalties for any employee who might share that information are severe: up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. By law, the Census Bureau can’t share your information with anyone — including other federal agencies and law enforcement. Your information is safe.
Tell me about the census or any other subject in the following question:
3. What are you worried or concerned about? and tell me WHY?
[Use concerned or worried about + noun or
use concerned or worried about a clause (S + V) ] because